I'd start licking up from your ankles, slowly up your long sexy legs, up the inside of your thighs, and spend a lot of time licking along the edges of your pussy, before flicking my tongue against your pussy lips ! First one side, then the other.Making you moan and then when you were wet, I'd flick my lips and tongue over your clit before running my tongue up and down your pussy, and then fucking you with my tongue ! Damn you're sexy! You are so hot and your pics are such a turn-on.I would love to take this rock hard cock that you have given me and stroke my cum all over that hot body! If I can start at the top, work my down (past your swollen pussy) to your feet and back up to your now soaking gash. Count me in! Mmmmmmmm woudl I ever love to slide my tongue inbetween those gorgeous cuntlips and taste your sweet pussy. I have never done that but seeing you I would like to give you the use of my tongue when ever you would like!
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