Swollen Pussy Lips

Great to watch her swollen pussy lips move with every nudge of your cock head.

May my swollen, veiny cock sliding between them easily?

Oh I want to oil up these beautiful tits, feel them fill my palms, trace out their curves, the lightest touches to start to make them tingle, my tongue flicking around your nipples then taking them fully in my hands, cupping them, lifting them, squeezing them, working the around in my strong hands, sucking your nipples, massaging your sexy tits, my cock hard against your body.They do look very very nice and a perverts playground! Oily tits get so much extra attention and I don't hesitate to get a greasy mouth kissing and sucking the nipple as I caress, grope and get sometimes heavy handed with the tits. Attractive larges tits like yours are best for that kind of play x.I absolutely love your gorgeous tits they make my cock rock hard and throbbing!I would massage those beauties for however long you wish! Xxx.Love to slide my cock between your beautiful oiled up tits.